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The LeDrew
3 Minute Interview

The 3 Minute Interview with Stephen LeDrew is one of Canada's fastest growing shows. Watch insightful people challenge the views which are commonly accepted.

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"Over 25,000 of the smartest and most involved and committed Canadians have already subscribed.
This is not a show for the weak-kneed."

-Stephen LeDrew

Stephen LeDrew is a lawyer, broadcaster, responsible father, and a believer in fairness and good manners and liberalism in the best sense of the word.

Stephen LeDrew is an enemy of bureaucratic busybodies, know-it-all “idealogues”, pontificating politicians who tell everyone else how to live their lives, woke idiots, and politically correct, milquetoast, sanitized media outlets.

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It is effective debate and democracy in microcosm. Your sincerity and desire to uphold those values that once made this country great are always apparent. 

Mr. LeDrew, thank you for presenting both the overt, and behind the curtain topics. Your guests are refreshingly relevant, and not simply talking heads, though that is in part in credit to your skills as an interviewer. What I really appreciate about your format is it encourages critical thinking on the topics, rather than being led by the nose and force fead the generic and/or biased alphabet soup of the day. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr.LeDrew. We need all the voices for sanity that we can get.

You pack a lot into Three Minutes-Great Show."

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Unlike Mainstream Media, We Do Not Accept Handouts From The Federal Government. This Allows Us to Broadcast Without Fear Of The Big Shots. 

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